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Business Tech Trends To Expect In 2022

From flexible, virtual and smart workplaces to artificial intelligence advancements, these are the top business tech trends that you can expect to see in 2022.

Business Tech Trends To Expect In 2022

From flexible, virtual and smart workplaces to artificial intelligence advancements, these are the top business tech trends that you can expect to see in 2022.


  1. Hybrid Work and Coworking Spaces
  2. Smart Workplaces 
  3. The Metaverse 
  4. AI and Cybersecurity
  5. Net Zero with Tech


1. Hybrid Work & Coworking Spaces


In 2022, we can expect the continued rise of remote-first and flexible workforces, as well as a focus on the hybrid business model in which employees split their time between home and the office.

The one crucial difference is that we can expect more of these offices to be coworking spaces: a more flexible workplace where you can have the office space you need, when and where you need it, without the commitment of a long-term lease.

With a yearly growth rate of 21.3%, the number of coworking spaces worldwide is projected to reach (and cross) 40,000 by 2024. In addition to this, Coworking Resources estimates that almost 5 million people will be working from coworking spaces in 2024.

Not to mention that coworking spaces boast a range of benefits that the traditional office does not have - benefits that fulfill our aforementioned need for a more flexible and diverse workspace, and a better work/life balance as a result. 

You can also expect to hear more about virtual coworking spaces this year. Although it is up for discussion what this actually means, these are often understood to be various work environments and collaboration tools that can be accessed online to complete your work from anywhere. Think Pesto or Gather, where you can work and interact in a virtual space with your coworkers.



2. Smart Workplaces


You might have heard of smart homes, but have you heard of the smart workplace? This is a workplace where technology enables people to work better, faster and smarter.

More than just placing emphasis on remote/virtual work, a smart workplace utilises tech to create better and more efficient in-person workforces.

Think virtual floor plans, smart lights and motion sensors, as well as the more advanced artificial intelligence, machine learning and ‘Internet of Things' (IoT) devices that can help us to better understand our employees and the spaces they work in - and improve them as a result. 

We anticipate that successful smart workplaces will see an increase in employee wellbeing, productivity, creativity and innovation, enhancing businesses’ practises and performance in 2022.

Business tech trends

3. The Metaverse


The metaverse is described as the next evolution of social connection. 3D spaces in the metaverse will let you socialize, learn, collaborate, and play in ways that go beyond what we can imagine.

At present, this will be achieved through Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Smart Glasses. On a simpler level, this might (initially) look like onboarding, training, and meetings done within VR.

However, in time, the Metaverse will function as an entirely new ecosystem for businesses in which their software and products can be seen, sold, and used. 

Before we race to the metaverse though, we do anticipate that more companies will make the most out of virtual reality solutions; the global VR market is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 18% over the next 7 years and reach over $69 billion by 2028


4. AI & Cybersecurity 


From search results and product recommendations to online dating profiles, A.I. has become an integral part of our lives. And with 90% of leading businesses with ongoing investment in AI technologies, we can expect AI will have a further impact on our lives and the future of work. 

For e-commerce businesses, this might look like the continued use of chat-bots, shopper personalization, image-based targeting advertising, and warehouse and inventory automation to streamline and enhance user experience.

In retail and hospitality, we can expect to see more self-serve kiosks, autonomous order fulfillment and AI-enabled drive-thrus, freeing people up for different roles. This is hyper automation for commercial businesses at its finest, without the complete eradication of human employees (as you might imagine when we think about AI entering our workforces). 

In 2022, AI advancements might also look like increased cybersecurity measures for businesses; Forbes predicts that AI and machine learning will help identify and predict threats in cybersecurity, as well as catch instances of fraud in 2022 (and beyond). 

Business tech trends

5. Net Zero With Tech


As awareness of the harsh realities of climate change has increased, the need for businesses to reduce their carbon footprint grows.

Although it is not always simple to eliminate or even reduce your carbon footprint, we can expect more businesses to adopt new practises with the help of tech to get closer to net zero.

Advanced analytics, business intelligence and cloud tools will help businesses to implement and encourage more sustainable practices in 2022. 

“Technology — the kind that doesn’t make headlines or go viral, but nonetheless makes things behind the scenes work better, run faster, and waste less -- is, as we say in Norway, the “red thread” that will tie everything together.” - John M. Lervik, Founder & CEO at Cognite AS.

This might even become a necessity in 2022, with the government expected to address adaptation and resilience solutions for businesses in the future.

Business tech trends 2022




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